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from September, 2020 |
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Local What's Ons in Year-ahead Diary
e-mail new items to <web@wrington.net>
- 30/03/2021 9788 Somerset: Buying & Selling on Social Media / Online Platforms. (Market Places)
We are seeing an increase in burglaries from garages and sheds where the offenders are clearly seeking out motorcycles, specifically dirt bikes such as KTM & Yamaha. It appears that a number of these bikes have been listed for sale on social media platforms, where a potential buyer arranges to view the vehicle but then doesn’t turn up. Not surprisingly, a day or so later the Garage / Shed is broken into and an attempt is made to steal the bike or it is stolen.
If you are considering selling your vehicle - or any expensive item - follow the guidance provided on the website. Do not automatically assume it is safe to pass over your address details and or photos of your vehicle outside of your garage, especially if it shows your street name and garage number. If you do so and the purchaser doesn’t turn up, be aware and pay close attention to the item you are selling and the security of the location it is stored.
Sadly, this may not just affect you. If your garage is broken into, your neighbour is likely to be targeted and may also sustain damage to their garage in the process.
Remember, whenever you place an advert you are also advertising what you have to steal. Read the guidance provided by the website carefully, and ask yourself if you really need to provide your address or do you meet somewhere public nearby? Always meet any prospective buyers in a well-lit, public area.
22/02/2021 9788 Somerset: National Insurance Scam (Telephone Call)
We have been made aware that a scam has been circulating where the offender is claiming either your National Insurance number has been compromised or has been used in serious crime. This scam is conducted via a telephone call which is automated, promptly followed by the usual request for action on the part of the recipient to press 1 on the keypad, again 'please do not do this'. You may feel pressured into doing so as the message may state they are from the National Crime Agency, 'they are not'. This is a scam.
If you receive a call claiming your National Insurance number has been compromised asking you to press a button on your keypad, please terminate the call.
Any general National Insurance enquiries can be found here:
26/01/2021 9788 Somerset: Remain alert to Vaccination Scams.
Another potentially hazardous scam claiming to originate from the NHS offering the vaccine for Covid-19. On first impressions it looks quite genuine, until the point at which it asks for payment details. As we all know the vaccine is completely free, the NHS will never ask for your bank account or card details, your pin or banking password and they will not ask for proof of identity such as passport, driving licence or pay slips.
Please see the attached copy of the scam email. vaccine-email-scam.pdf>
Here is a link to the NHS website to find more information:
04/12/20 9788 Somerset: Ongoing Amazon Scam Calls.
Unfortunately one of our members has fallen foul to this scam. They received a call claiming to be from Amazon and that a payment request had been made on their account from a company in London and were they aware of any such transaction?. Clearly not aware, the caller stated they must have been hacked and went through a lengthy procedure at the end of which the member checked their online bank account to find a substantial amount of money had been removed.
Please NEVER give out any personal details to anyone claiming to be from Amazon or any other company that calls you out of the blue. Terminate the call and call back on a number you trust and preferably from a different phone, if this is not possible then wait at least 5 minutes for the line to disconnect.
- as on the back inside cover of the Village Journal
, which space kindly donared by Butcombe Brewery
EMERGENCY - Fire/Ambulance/Police
Police General
Crime Stoppers |
0800 555 111 |
District Councillor Wrington |
862109 |
Mendip Vale Medical Practice Surgery Langford
Out of Hours
Practice website
Dispensing Chemist Wrington
Dental Surgery
Baby Clinic, Nurses House, Stockmead, Churchill Tues 10-12 noon |
852927 |
SWEB/EDF Emergencies
Bristol Water Works |
0800 365 900
9665881 |
National Marriage & Family Guidance Council (Relate) Weston-s-Mare |
627206 |
Caretaker Memorial Hall |
862898 |
Helpline Co-ordinator
07783 046437
Samaritans Bristol
Samaritans Weston super Mare |
632555 |
Wrington Post Office |
862289 |
Wrington Website |
www.wringtonsomerset.org.uk |
Veterinary Surgeon |
862497 |
Parish Clerk: Fiona Burke, John Locke Room:
Wrington and Redhill Journal 60p per copy. Subscription Rate: £6 per year (10 issues)
Contributions should be sent to:3, Westward Close, Wrington, BS40 5LU. Tel: 862621
Email: wringtonjournal@gmail.com
Information on cover pages is correct at time of printing. Subsequent alterations, if notified to the Editors, will appear on the last page of text.
Why not send the Journal to a friend or relative? For full details of our postal service, apply to the Distribution Organizer: Mrs Liz Darcy, Le Moignes, High Street, Wrington.
Enquiries concerning Redhill distribution should be made to Mrs. Hazel Davies, 7, Ashford Road, Redhill. Tel: 01275474973

Household Waste & Recycling Calendar